The Art of Seeing: Developing Your Clairvoyant Skills for Aura Reading

Unlocking the Mysteries of Aura Reading and Energy Perception

Wed Nov 29, 2023

The Art of Seeing: Developing Your Clairvoyant Skills for Aura Reading

Aura reading is a fascinating technique used in the field of spiritual inquiry to dive into the invisible energies that surround people. Particularly strong is the ability of clairvoyant aura readers to see and decipher the ethereal energy and colours that emerge from a person's aura. The art of seeing will be explained in this essay through the development of clairvoyant abilities for reading auras. We'll discuss the benefits of aura perception and introduce you to our globally recognised "Certification in Clairvoyant Aura Reading" course, which is intended to support you on your spiritual path.

Understanding the Aura: A Closer Look

The invisible energy field that encircles a person's body is frequently referred to as the aura. It is thought to hold data on a person's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. While most individuals cannot see auras with their naked eyes, some people have the special capacity to do so thanks to their clairvoyant or psychic skills.

Layers and Colors of the Aura

Auras are frequently described as having multiple levels, each of which is said to symbolise a particular facet of the individual. Aura hues are linked to certain characteristics and feelings:

Physical Layer:This layer, which is the closest to the body, depicts physical well-being and vitality.

Emotional Layer: This layer encompasses sensations and emotions, and each feeling has an own colour signature.

Mental Layer:reflects one's ideas, mental sharpness, and intellectual interests.

Spiritual Layer: The highest consciousness and one's spiritual connection are represented by this outermost layer.

Developing Clairvoyant Skills for Aura Reading

It takes time, practise, and an open mind to become clairvoyant enough to read auras. To get you started, follow these steps:

Meditation and Grounding

To calm your mind and connect with your inner self, start with daily meditation. You can maintain your focus by engaging in grounding exercises like walking barefoot on grass or picturing roots reaching into the ground.

Aura Observation

By focusing on individuals or items against a plain background, you can practise observing auras. Relax your eyes, soften your gaze, and encourage the use of your peripheral vision. You might begin to see faint hues or sparkles around people.

Interpretation and Practice

Try to understand the meaning of the colours and energy you sense as you start to see or feel auras. Journal your observations and any intuitive revelations you experience.

Seek Guidance

Think about asking spiritual mentors or seasoned aura readers for advice, as they can offer insightful criticism and comments on your development as an aura reader.

Certification in Clairvoyant Aura Reading”: Deepen Your Expertise

Our "Certification in Clairvoyant Aura Reading" course is made to help you advance your knowledge of spiritual growth if you're enthusiastic in honing your clairvoyant abilities and learning more about the mystic field of aura reading. You will be given the skills and information necessary to effectively sense, interpret, and work with auras by this programme, which has received recognition on a global scale.

In this comprehensive course, you'll learn:

The fundamentals of clairvoyant energy perception and aura reading

Aura colour and layer identification and interpretation methods

How to use a reading of the aura for enlightenment and energy healing

ethical issues with energy work and aura reading

Clairvoyant aura reading in your spiritual practise: Useful applications

You'll earn a certificate once you've finished the programme, which may lead to a rewarding profession as a spiritual advisor or help you better grasp how to perceive energy for your own benefit.

Enroll in the "Certification in Clairvoyant Aura Reading" course right away to begin a life-changing adventure that will improve your clairvoyant abilities and help you connect with the ethereal world of auras.


The profound discipline of clairvoyant aura reading enables people to detect and decipher the ethereal energies that surround them and other people. You can unravel the mysteries of aura perception and further your spiritual path by honing your clairvoyant abilities. Your entry point to developing your understanding in this esoteric area is our internationally recognised "Certification in Clairvoyant Aura Reading" course. Adopt the skill of seeing and establish a connection with the ethereal forces that influence our reality and inner experiences.

Virtued Academy International
A California-based travel writer, lover of food, oceans, and nature.

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